Startup Valuation Methods
Early stage valuation is considered an art by many. However, as all arts, methods and best…
Understanding Investors' Required Return
In the previous article we discussed Discounted Cash Flow valuation methods. These well-known…
Valuation Principles: Liquidation, Time Value Of Money, Multiples
Can you actually put a price on something that changes as quickly as businesses? The answer……
DCF Valuation for Startups
We already talked about projections, cash flows and relevant topics surrounding startup financial…
Do you Know How Much your Business is Worth? Here's Why you Should
There are many reasons why we do what we do here at Equidam, but one guiding belief stands above…
With and without VCs, differences in valuation
I want to present my approach on how to deal with difficulty of contracting the value of the…
The Startup Financing Cycle
This article is a sort of an introduction to the startup financing problem. It originated from a…