Startup fundraising - how many years to forecast?

How many years to forecast for startup fundraising?

TLDR: For startups, 3 years is the most common. 5 years if you are in a later stage (Series B+) or…

How to value your startup for a friends & family round

When we raised our first round of capital for Equidam, about a decade ago, we didn't know much of…

What connects the stock market contraction to startup valuations?

In an analysis of the market, Justin Kahl and David George of Andreessen Horowitz showcase data on…

How to value your startup for crowdfunding?

In 2013 equity crowdfunding was making headlines as the new frontier for startup investment.…

How much do UK startups raise?

The current fundraising environment There’s never been so much capital available for startups… and…

Startup fundraising strategy - how much and when to raise

Fundraising Strategy: How Much and When to Raise

There’s no shortage of content covering startup fundraising advice, whether it’s solidifying your…

Startup Financial Projections

7 Steps to Solidify Your Startup’s Financial Projections

For early stage startups, multi-year financial projections may feel too speculative to be a good…

Debunking the ‘Startup Bubble’ With Valuation Data

A startup is overvalued when its price is not rational. Through Equidam's data, we see that a…

Frank Appeldoorn Managing Partner at Arches Capital

VC Perspectives: The misconception about convertible loans

Convertible loans: a loan with interest (whether actually paid or accrued), in which the loan will…

Startup Valuation Quote

Why startup valuation matters more than any other KPI

"One of the things that I’ve been quite keen on internally and externally is that the valuation of…