On September 25, 2024, you’ll be upgraded to the latest version of Equidam with updated valuation…


Equity Percentages to Offer Investors at Different Stages

You might occasionally come across the sentiment that “early stage investors don’t…

How to set your SAFE Cap

SAFEs (Simple Agreements for Future Equity), and other regional variants of the SAFE, have surged…

How to set your SAFE Discount

SAFEs (Simple Agreements for Future Equity), and other regional variants of the SAFE, have surged…

How To Value a SaaS Startup

Every startup valuation presents a unique challenge. It’s not just about throwing numbers into a…


SAFE Caps and Discounts: Setting the right terms for your round

Increasingly, founders are turning to convertible instruments (40-95%, depending on round size)…

Revenue and EBITDA Multiples: The role of comparison in startup valuation

Multiples are the cornerstone for understanding the share pricing for companies of all sizes, from…


The $5B Club: Irrationality in Generative AI valuation

How do you value startups creating foundational LLMs, or related generative AI technologies? So far…

Building a Winning Data Room: Best Practices for Early-Stage Startups

For early-stage startups looking to onboard prospective investors, a well-organized data room is an…

Building Confidence: The Purpose of Financial Projections for Startups

For early stage startups seeking investment, especially pre-revenue companies, there’s a…