Explore our databases of benchmarks
Investigate comparable data on valuation, projections and other recent
funding rounds.
Generate extended valuation reports
Add context to your valuation report
with 5 additional pages
of benchmarking.
Integrated with Crunchbase
In addition to Equidam's valuation data, reference relevant funding rounds recorded on Crunchbase.
Solidify your valuation
Benchmarks provide important context for valuation, enabling you to understand market conditions and establish a fair market value for equity.
Powerful financial benchmarks
Compare your financial projections with other startups in the same industry, stage of development and country. Benchmarks your projected revenue growth and EBITDA margins.
Comparables at your fingertips
Finding relevant comparable data is difficult and time consuming. We've streamlined this process by compiling the relevant data and making it available through your dashboard.
Reports with context
With a calculated valuation and comparable data in one cohesive report, you bring everything you need to the negotiation table.
Compare against companies of a similar stage, industry and location
Compare your startup to over 170.000 peers
With Equidam + Crunchbase data, you have access to the most detailed startup dataset available, and it is growing every day.
Always anonymised and aggregated
The data provided to Equidam as a part of your valuation is always anonymised and aggregated before display. We ensure your data is not identifiable in any way.
Yes, we offer full flexibility on our plans. On top, if you feel like you made the wrong choice, we are happy to adjust the amount paid in case you decide to switch plans.
No, Equidam is not a subscription service, and all our fees are one-off and upfront. When your days expire, you’ll be able to extend the period from your account, and at any point, you’ll be able to upgrade or downgrade your account. All these actions will never be performed automatically by Equidam.
Equidam applies broadly to any high-growth potential business. The valuation applies to companies headquartered in these 90 countries. Our methods are applicable to any industry however valuation of real estate, pharma, and banking services can sometimes be challenging. If your company operates in these industries, feel free to reach out to us for further confirmation.
Through our guided procedure, we will ask you common questions about your company as well as your financial information for the past year and the future 3 years. If you are closely involved with the company, you should be able to answer our questions without any additional information retrieval. For the financials, it is generally better to start using Equidam once you have your financial projections ready. This will ensure you’ll use your access days effectively.
You’ll always be able to add more days later on. You will not need to pay an additional valuation fee as long the extension remains within the first 3 months of the initial purchase.
You will still be able to log in to your account and retrieve past reports and invoices. You will not be able to make changes to your valuation and generate new reports. Unless you asked otherwise, we’ll keep your data stored so that when you need your next valuation, you’ll be able to pick it up right where you left off.
The initial fee for Standard and Benchmarked valuations lasts for a period of 3 months. In case you don’t plan to quarterly update and monitor the valuation of your company, we suggest you select a number of days lower than 90. You can always purchase additional days within the 3 months period.
Yes, indeed! Throughout the access period, you will be able to change and update your company valuation as many times as you need to. Once your access days are over, you’ll be able to download reports generated in the past, but you won’t be able to make changes to your valuation and download new reports. If you wish to do so, you’ll have to purchase additional access days.
We accept Paypal and Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and American Express credit cards. In the Netherlands, we also accept iDeal.
You can value unlimited companies within your Equidam account. Please note that the prices specified above are for each company. If you need to value more than 10 companies per year, please contact us!
If you’re shopping around, we recommend exploring our site a bit — you’ll find information about why to choose us, our valuation report, data sources, methodology, and more. Plus, our [Help Center] has lots of helpful information.
If you need to get in touch with our team, you can always do so via the chat on the bottom right corner.